Plane Geometry: Area of Triangle, Quadrangle, Circle (256 divided by 81 as approximation for pi)
Spatial Geometry: Volume of various Bodies
Spatial Geometry: Surface Area of various Bodies
General rules for calculating Areas
"Theorem of Pythagoras"
Perimeter and Area of a Circle (pi equals 3)
General rules for calculating Volumes
Area of an Isosceles Triangle (Area=Product of basis and height, divided by 2)
Perimeter and Area of a Circle (256 divided by 81 as approximation for pi)
Volume of a Cylinder (256 divided by 81 as approximation for pi)
Trigonometry: Slope of a Pyramid
Theorem of Thales
Intercept Theorem
Proof of the Theorem of Pythagoras
Triangle: Congruence Theorems
Triangle: In-Circle and Circumcircle
General Theory of Proportion (Irrational Numbers, Ratios, Ratio Equations)
Volume of a Pyramid = one third of the Volume of the corresponding Prism
Volume of a Cone = one third of the Volume of the Cylinder
Exhaustion Method
Axiomatization of Geometry
Geometric mean Theorem and Leg rule
Arbitrarily accurate Approximation of pi
Calculation of Areas and Volumes (Variation of Cavalieri's Principle)
Definition of Ellipse, Circle, Parbola, and Hyperbola by Conic Sections
The Apollonic Problem
The Heron Method
Heron's formula
Formula for the Surface Area of Pyramid, Cylinder, Sphere
Formula for the Volume of Pyramid, Cylinder, Sphere, Prism
Spherical Geometry
Chord Function (Forerunner of the Sine)
Theorem of Menelaus
Triangulation and Chord Tables (Forerunner of Trigonometry)
Theorem of Ptolemy about Chordal Quadrangles
Formulas for the Surface Area and Volume of Bodies of Rotation
Theorem of Pappos
Area theorem of Pappos (Pythagoras for arbitrary Triangles using Parallelograms instead of Squares)
Approximation of pi to 3.1416
A Basis for the Sine Function
Theorem of Brahmagupta about Chord Quadrangles
Formula of Brahmagupta for calculating the Area of Chord Quadrangles
pi as a Number
Volume of Sphere and Cylinder as a Number, not as a Ratio
Introduction of the Sine
Identity tangens = quotient of sine and cosine without the terms cosine and tangens
Law of sines with Proof
First use of the Tangent
Introduction of six Trigonometric Functions
Proposal: Define Trigonometric Functions via Unit Circle
Sine Theorem and Proof for general spherical Triangles
Summary and Translation of the Geometry of the Arabs
Formalization of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
Construction of Figures with Compass and Ruler; Discussion of Proportion and Perspective
Definition of Trigonometric Functions via Right-Angled Triangle
Extensive Tables for Trigonometric Functions
Closed Formula for the Circle Constant pi
Foundation of Analytical Geometry
Theorem of Desargues
Fundamentals of Projective Geometry
Theorem of Pascal
Principle of Cavalieri
Concrete Algebraic Equations and a common Symbolism for Analytical Geometry
Theorem of Ceva
Exponential, Sine and Cosine Series
Founder of many symbols: pi for the Circle Constant, standard notation for the Triangle, i for the imaginary unit
Eulerian Polyhedron Theorem
Simplification and Modernization of the Elements of Euclid
First Ideas on Non-Euclidean Geometry
Gaussian Number Plane
Construction Criterium for regular n-edged Polygons
Fundamental Ideas of Projective Geometry: the Invariance of the Double Ratio, Projective Relations, the Principle of Duality, Poncelet's Principle of Continuity
Non-Euclidean Hyperbolic Geometry
Work on Non-Euclidean Geometries
Absolute Geometry
Foundation of Descriptive Geometry
Riemann Integral
Classification of various Geometries
Poincaré's Circular Disk Model and Poincaré's Half-Plane Model (Hyperbolic Geometry)
Formal Axiomatic Structure of the Geometry
Real Objects
"Proof" of the parallel postulate
Proclus' alternative to the parallel postulate
Omar Khayyam's "proof" of the parallel postulate
al-Tusi's "proof" of the parallel postulate
John Wallis's "proof" of the Euclidean postulate
Saccheri's attempt to prove Euclid's fifth postulate
Circle of Apollonios
Stewart’s theorem
Inscribed angle theorem and lune of Hippocrates
Theorem of Helly
Angle sum in the triangle and in regular polygons
The Central Angle Theorem
Cosine theorem
Gapless coverage of an area by polygons